I’m a little Christmased out…

Not  gonna lie but I’m a bit Christmased out this year. I been feeling a bit overwhelmed with the holiday season with the pressure of giving gifts (but for the right reason,) wrapping them, decorations….literally all the things I love about this time of year. I guess the reason why I feel a bit out of steam this year is because I feel that I am always the one making the Christmas. It doesn’t feel like a collective holiday for me. Since my family doesn’t really get Christmas besides for the gifts and stuff….there is no connection for them. I can say my mom is really trying and is really beginning to love it too but the cultural boundary is just killing me. I am literally trying to create a Christmas that they never even thought about having along with me trying to make a Christmas (up to my standards too) for myself too. I just feel that no one is doing the same for me. I am thankful for the few family members and friends that really go out of their way to get gifts especially for me and just put a lot of time and thought with everything they do but for the rest ehhhh….. I think I might be over thinking these things but the thing that really triggered this feeling for me is seeing all the Christmas everything being put on 50% off and being pushed around like trash in the stores….. It makes Christmas look like its kind of a menas and there is not sacred aspect of it anymore. Its all done for commercial use and the moment it might be in the way for profit it’s just pushed to the side like it’s nothing. Sure people have been saying that this holiday has really lost it’s spirit but I truly see it now. Sure I’m not Christian in anyway nor have any religious to Christmas but for me Christmas was just a nice break from the nasty winter and now it’s becoming part of the nasty now……What can we do to fix this problem. I love this time of year but it seems to be falling apart and losing it’s sense of magic that it once held so tightly. 

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