Archive for the ‘ culture ’ Category

RVA Fashion Week 2012, Gridded Organza by: Harry Trinh

Hi everyone, just wanted to tell everyone about my next show that I am part of. I am part of the honorable RVA Fashion Week 2012. This year I get the lucky opportunity to premiere my latest and last collection of my high school career entitled Gridded Organza. I’m definitely hoping to end my high school days with a bang. Here is a little more about my intent of my collection

RVA Fashion Week, Harry Trinh

Artist Statement

Gridded Organza is a visual summary of our relationship (in art) with the natural world. We as humans throughout every culture and every time period has always been intrigued with the complex yet simple nature of nature. Because of this interest we have always tried to convey the same visual spectacle that our environment shows us everyday.  The flaw within this idea of wanting to convey this beautiful is that for humans we need logic to translate this image . In result we try to push these organic objects into grid patterns (thought process) that we constructed ,to make it fit to our standard of understanding. Showing a resist to our logic we get this byproduct of this sublime tension between us and nature. This tensions gives way to us creating our own version of “organic” by bending our grids into similar shapes that natures creates effortlessly.

For more information of this event please visit

Chinese New Year 12′


Anyways here is just a little photo montage I put together for our Chinese New Year decor for this year. The idea of decoration for such a foreign holiday in a very colonial home is very intriguing. The style of the home orginating for a very Europe style where the buildings have no trace of any Asian influences contrasting with the very specific style of Chinese New Year gave me an interesting task to battle every year. To be frank about it is more difficult to decorate for Chinese New Year then Christmas. Since Christmas is a Western holiday the decoration naturally fit into this style of home. Columns, railings, fireplaces…key elements or places people usually deck the halls at but with the New Years things are a little different. The ornate vivid styles of the Chinese New Year is decor can get a bit overwhelming we need to figure out to incorporate it into the current layout of the home.  We wanted to gear away from the “lazy” way of just sticking a bunch of randomly places “posters” and lucky symbols everywhere. We wanted to work with the architecture and make it fit into the Western format. The contrast of the two things created a very unique look to it with a lasting impression for people who were never really exposed to this holiday. We wanted to give a very sophisticated yet warm overall tone. We wanted to get rid of the stereotypical idea of an Asian home with poorly placed decor.

Chinese New Year at Disneyland: The visual and cultural perspective.

This year’s lunar new year celebrations have been on a rise and Disneyland won’t give up an opportunity to monopolize on a cultural celebration. In a visual perspective its quite pleasing to the eye. Frankly, it’s nice to see Chinese decor in such a well manicured location.  Don’t lie, most of the time Chinese American communities can be a bit gritty and not in the most cleanest state so sometimes the sophisticated designs on the decor can be covered up by the attention of the dirt around it. Not dissing on the Chinese but just generally speaking sometimes.  Having a beautiful background to display the colorful decoration is a nice overlay to the minimalistic area of the “its a small world mall.” The creams and hints of gold with the trimmed up greenery is nice to contrast with the vivid bright red satin lanterns, glittery dragons, and bountiful cherry blossom trees. Really having nothing competing with the attention its a nice showcase of these cultural treasures. Even better is the images that occasionally pop up from Disneyland Hong Kong of the Lunar New Year decoration especially in Main Street. Having the very Western Victorian architecture of Main Street with it’s ornate ,pastel detailing of the building overlayed with garlands of cherry blossoms is a very Western but still welcome approach to displaying the greenery. The idea of using to highlight rooflines,doorways,windows is a nice change or addition to the traditional tree display.  The trees lining the road are decked out with larger then life wooden lucky envelopes creates a new Western idea of ornaments. And with the “fu” symbols basically plastered in every window,door,column…I very much enjoy this almost Victorian approach to this very Chinese traditional look. Also to add the very drapper orange trees trimmed to still fit the Victorian landscaping with keeping the Chinese vibe.  And I can’t help but love the firecrackers flanking every window…

The reason why I absolutely adore this look perspective is that it is a very view on a old look. Having people that have never been exposed to the traditional look of the holiday it creates a much need renewal of how to display this very specific look. Unlike Christmas ,Lunar New Year have very specific colors that can’t be messed with. It only constant of red,gold,pink,yellow, and hint of black. The very limited color scheme creates an difficult problem of how to decorate with these colors without it being overbearing. Too much red can be a bit jarring but just adding very vivid hints and focal points is just a perfect balance to keep it sophisticated, festive,…. It combines both of my loves, the love of the Victorian and the Chinese. It kind of echos the looks of Hong Kong and Southern China of the 1940s…Having the finest in Chinese goods and European goods in the same room working together…not visually fighting for attention. The subdue details of both parties work together to create an harmonious and glided look of that time period.

Culturally, having the background of the Victorian era, the time of Industrial Revolution, Europeans beginning to “trade” with China, immigrants being abused… The idea of that time period completely contradicts the whole idea the the Asian culture on the rise in the past few years. The idea of un reserved celebrations, no true social boundaries of who can or can’t we talk to. Having the idea world working side by side is a nice change. Chinese just adding a new foreign touch to the very domestic and familiar atmosphere of Disneyland. Having it seep into Disneyland allows everyone to embrace it with comfort and allows everyone to easily relate to the whole foreign celebration.

So, my opinion on the Haunted Mansion Holiday.


Hellos my few readers. Sorry I have been not posting recently but I was in vacation but it’s school again so I have my schedule again! Let’s get down to business. Since the Halloween holiday season is quickly approaching us most Disneyland fans are well aware of the Haunted Mansion Holiday overlay that is done this time of year. It runs from Mid-September to the first week of January. It’s part of the seasonal celebrations of Halloween and Christmas. Recently there have been some mixed views on this attraction. Here is one.



A likely unpopular opinion….

I seriously think Haunted Mansion Holiday has outstayed it’s welcome. And just a note of clarification at the beginning: I saw the movie Nightmare in theaters upon opening in 1993, shortly after my grandmother passed away, and loved it. It’s a fantastic film, and back then, it made me feel better somewhat at a time that was pretty shitty for my family in general. But the whole me…of the ride overlay was flawed from the get-go. Is the overlay fun? Sure, and I like elements like the gingerbread house they change every year. But the theme, premise, style and execution of the elements added are woefully mismatched and inappropriate for the host attraction.

It is no secret, and I am sure many here know very well that basically the classic Haunted Mansion is my favorite Disney-designed product/experience anywhere. Ever. So for starters, having that ride be out of commission in ‘original’ format for basically 5 months is fucking ridiculous to me. I would find it a little less bitter of a pill to swallow if it was open as normal HM through Halloween, closed in November and re-opened concurrently with Small World Holiday.

But the larger issue is just..the style. Cartoony black lit cardboard cutouts, in some cases, or Tim Burton style curvy structures do not match the backdrop in any way shape or form. It is the equivalent of if they added Captain Hook and his pirate crew to PoTC and said…”It’s fine, it’s all pirates…good enough!”. Just because HM and Nightmare are both “spooky” is not good enough..they are vastly different in tone, setting, goal and execution, let alone visual style. I’d go so far as to wish that the Holiday overlay never came back, and took all the crappy Nightmare merch clogging shelves with it (some quality pieces, but not many)…Mansion could very elegantly and effectively host a sedate, creepy Victorian themed Christmas overlay with rotting trees, cobwebbed presents, vintage decorations and the like and slight rearrangements of Christmas carols at points. The neon overload and Nightmare characters (regardless of my liking them on own merits) need to be shown the crypt door. It’s time theme and atmosphere, strength of idea, took precedent over marketing a (admittedly awesome) film just to do so and making related merchandise. “



Ok, Here is my take on this topic. There are a few key topics and issues that this blogger has stated that are valid but unreasonable. First, the length of time it takes to put up and down the overlay. Now we all need to remember that these people behind the attraction are actual people so they have to understand just the amount of work it takes to rearrange and switch out everything. Personally, I thought they have gotten much better on timing since they are now only closed roughly two weeks before and after the overlay. I do do some holiday decorating in my home and just from experience I understand the hard work it takes to make things perfect.

Secondly, The idea of him thinking the style of NBC and HM don’t mix well. Firstly, do you really think that Imagineers will really do something stupid to a classic attraction? Overall,no. Just from the pictures I have collected and the music I have listened from the attraction I do think it is very well integrated in the overall tone of the attraction. You can’t say it is “childish” from the curly iron work,silly faces….. Actually take a closer look at this piece of work. Just starting on the outside, from the very chic version of winter garlands to be made from black pine branches combined with the traditional foliage of fall creates,then elegantly draped over the wrought iron railings creates an eye popping and fantastic contrasts from the very straight/angular design of the mansion itself. Obviously, the garland does have some inspiration from  over the top Christmas decor that is done in the New Orleans Square area. This is just brushing on the subject.

The stretching room, again with the reference of New Orleans Square style architecture with the stain glass panels, obviously was done to recreate something more can i say classy and grown up which would fit the style of the attraction…hmmm… And really be reasonable, this is HOLIDAY attraction so of course there will some elements of youth and lightheartedness so just chill.

The overall music, Personally not as great as the first version of the Haunted Mansion Holiday soundtrack but still pretty in tune with the overall tone that this attraction overlay is going for. I do feel that the music doe ignore the Grim Grinning Ghost beat a little too much so I can understand why people say it is too NBC driven but there are a few key portions of the ride that still reference back to the mansion.

In an overall sense, I see nothing outstandingly wrong with this overlay. I do see some readjusting with how they should still keep more of the original Haunted Mansion story of the 999 Happy Haunts but really these are just little minor changes.

Yo Ho Yo Ho….Stranger Tides


Let me say “hands down!” for the attraction reference in the movie. If you all have seen the movie and the attraction you will well know that the “Skeleton in Bed” scene is one of the most popular scenes in the attraction and how the movie makers added that into the movie was just flawless. To every last detail with the map, jems, and just the art direction of that scene was just perfect!

For the rest of the movie, Overall I loved it! It was a bit lengthy but it really grab your attention throughout the film so really it wasn’t really a bother. Historical references, very clever in deed! The one that struck me as a very sassy remake to the Spanish Catholic faith was in the ending when the Spanish came to destroy the fountain of youth in the name of the Lord. LOLS! Definitely some people will be pissed off that I thought it was very brave and clever of Disney to poke fun of faith.   The mermaids were just a beautiful touch in the movie to add a bit more of a feminine flare to such a masculine movie. It is truly a movie for everyone to see and enjoy. All the violent scenes were very cleverly filmed so the audience was still seeing all the action of the fighting but not too much blood but just enough to suggest death and pain.

Good job Disney! Now lets all hope for something equally or even better for the remake of The Haunted Mansion film which is directed by Guillermo Del Toro. Luckily, he is a huge HM fan so for a fact he will put is heart and soul into this film. I’m very excited to see his adaption to this classic attraction. Since the Pirates series was such a hit and still kept true with the attraction I am interested on how they will achieve the same with The Haunted Mansion with it’s endless unclear history and storyline. Surely it is really free range with him but how much freedom can he get away with. Surely, the Pirates attractions has a more defined storyline it is much easier to base a story on it is but still have enough artistic license to add a bit of mystery.

Withered Opulence- The Artist Statement.

This year’s HHS Fashion Show collection I wanted to go deeper then just a pretty appearance. Actually I wanted to gear away from the the clean cut patterns and an obvious strong historical influence. This year I was more inspired by the concept of corruption and how it was cleverly covered up by the surface appearance of the beautiful. Since it is so easy to access to the “insider” story of the corruption or the upperclass now in days I was more interested of the corruption done in the past monarchies of Europe.

Visually, I was inspired by first the French Baroque period and the silhouettes of the clothing with it’s well fitted,tailored aesthetics. With the underlayer (the layer with all the dyed elements); I was inspired by the Flappers’ style and it’s characteristics of the revealing, sex appeal elements. The combination of of both styles I thought would be a interesting clash of morals since during the 18th century, women’s clothing was very restricting and basically forcing them to cover up anything what was thought ” indecent” but with the Flapper era is was a rebel against though ideas. With though ideas in mind I wanted to make a happy medium. Not to modest but not too sexy. Just a perfect amount of both.

The narrative portion- Corruption is shown through first the wire/ newspaper piece (Also was my VMFA Stylin’ piece). That piece was specifically made to represent scandalous, racy side of high class society in this case. The 5 new pieces are the products of corruption and how it can absorb you whole and outcomes a totally different person because of it. Yet, not all hope is lost which is shown through just the nature of the floral lace patterns on the fabric and how much the lace is actually covering up the models which creates a very puzzling look of sexiness but not. As for the “guiding light of hope” is represented with the light-up or Inlight dress which was originally made for the Inlight event in Ricmond. A literal visual translation of a guiding light. All together is creates a storyline in clothing. And thus fulfilling my goal of something deeper then just appearances.

Each dress of specifically made differently to create contrasts and of course express the different natures of each person. Thus representing that everyone is different. Also I wanted to create something different for each of them to stay in style of each different lace I had. If you look close enough you will notice no dress is made by the same piece of lace. Each piece of hand picked by me in thrift stores around town. I hope you guys enjoy this and PLEASEPLEASE add you own comments! I would love to hear what you think of all of this. Do you think this is a strong collection?? you tell me!

Be proud of yourself. (period)

Chinese New Year

Frankly I’m quite pissed off about this subject….It really started from history class and the subject of urbanization and how a huge wave of immigrants flooded the U.S. that time. Oh course there was a lot of tension between the variest culture just randomly coming in already to a semi established culture so natural there will be some differences. For me, coming Chinese decent background the topic of the Chinese immigrant wave was naturally more interesting to me. I guess because I always felt that Eastern culture as been overlooked in the American k-12 system. Hearing that funny enough that immigrants from China and Japan were overly proud to be themselves so they didn’t change too much about themselves. They didn’t change there traditions, views of religions, and just the Eastern culutre mindset. I felt that because of this, this is what makes why still to this day Chinese American citizens at least try to keep in touch with there culturally history with traditionally celebrations, rituals…. BUT meanwhile before and during this is happening (and maybe a little bit after) Europeans has flooded there cultures and ideas to China and a little bit of Japan. Visually speaking , this time in overall culture was overly beautiful. The blend of guided over vibrant styles of European upper-class clashing with the aesthetics with the more spiritual,  simple principles of Buddhist and Taoist infused in the art. Those two styles actually bung out the strength and the true beauty of each. But I wish that beautiful meshing was the same with the people. Not to talk down with the Europeans of the times but truly their motives were very superficial and selfish. If even the spiritual motive; the spread of Christianity in theory is good with the principles of people of good person for Christ yet underneath that motive there was still a mind of set being better and thinking that other views on god were just dumb and not fit. Personally I don’t think Christ would approve of this. I always felt that he was put on Earth to purely to only help and let the people come to him and not reverse.

This I felt the forced infusing of European idea in such a quick period of time was beginning to unravel the foundations of Chinese culture. I think the main problem that the only reason this happen was not to just a pure idea to just exchange ideas and technologies but it was too much emphasis on business. Yet, for China they felt that they never really need Europeans which will lead to so many events in history that will lead to the fall of ancient China and the ideas with it. Surely some were just very backwards and inhumane but culturally(art,math, society…) they were very advance and this grow will stop because of this. Which will usher them into the “still” age which is basically just time period when nothing came in or out of China except for existing trades.

Then in mid 20th cent. Mao came in and changed EVERYTHING! For the good and bad. Economically speaking he did wonders and create and money giant in result. But a lot of people never learned what ever happen to the traditions, culture that was lost during this revolution for China. Actually much of it fleeted to Taiwan. I mean from that during this time if you or your family was skilled in a traditional skills of art they will IMMEDIATELY physically take it away and destroy and evidences of you and your family ever having it. And if you were ever caught practicing your talent again they will most likely kill you. Imagine your family is skilled in papercuting and you can be killed just because you can make a piece of art with paper and scissors. The government thought destroying and evidences of the old with usher into a period of modernism (which it did) but haven’t anyone noticed that some of the strongest countries as set there new ideas and ways of thinking on the “old” foundations. I really wish I could see what would or could of happened if Mao thought of that first. Actually he is quite a hypocrite! For example: traditionally there was always a family or so that was extremely skilled in writing with brushes and they wrote for the whole village but of course they were prosecuted for their still but for Mao he had that skill and proudly used it. Also during his ruling he lived and worked in the Forbidden Palace, the symbol of old China. YES, I am so glad that he didn’t destroy that icon but still …hypocrite!!

But after all this craziness in China’s culture this chilled out and some cultural things were restored and actually were placed in highest honor in museums , being placed in the “rare and endangered ” list. But things were never the same. Actually from this a lot of cultural “stuff” was lost forever and can ever be recovered..just only be thought about and how it played a role in society. But what it is left over should be and still being celebrated but in reality the younger generation have this mindset of it being “uncool” since now China has been flooded (again) with Western cultures and ideas so they are starting to think the old ways are outdated. BUTBUTBUT!!!! this one of the thing that piss me off is that the exploiting it!

Now to subject that I relate to and is totally disgusted about! So since Chinese New Year is just around the corner and of course with any “huge” (I use the term loosely because were in the U.S.) celebration there is always a lot of work that is need to put into it…and of our traditions or chores that are need to be done to create and festive end result. Kind of like Christmas; the best Western holiday ever but surely it has it’s downs like being broke out of your mind, stresses, of course just the emotional weight of the whole ordeal but from your input will bring great output. But you know there is always that person that just sits there every Christmas that never has and Christmas joy and doesn’t give any thought when getting gifts and ever worst they don’t even try to get gifts for other but they are just ok (not feeling guilty) when they receive gifts from others.  SAME with the experience I had for Chinese New Year and few people that I know that do the same. I vividly remember saying something along the lines of ” I’m so hyped to finish decorating and cleaning for Chinese New Year!” and they gave me the look of disgust and wonder that “why do you do this shit?” I just wanted to tell them that “Don’t give me that face when you are just happy receive lucky money for everyone!!! >:(” Surely I do you them but don’t ever ever ever give me that face….I think I’m just overly immersed in the idea of traditions and being proud of your own culture and not letting it fade away.

Don’t worry, I’ not those crazy people that will shoot you for not being Chinese…hahahaha frankly I’m just proud. But at the same time I’m still overly interested in Western culture. I just feel that blending of both my traditional background with almost alien Western cultures. Just take a look at the picture above…I think that is a look representation of my idea. It’s very prominent that it is Chinese New Year with the flowers,lanterns…yet it is clashed with the  (Western) Colonial style placement (the wreath) , the green ribbon,and the Colonial style exterior. I feel instead of just focusing on one I think the meshing of both will create something more interesting and thought provoking and promotes “outside” the box thinking. Sadly no one where I live do Chinese New Year like us but still….