Posts Tagged ‘ Life ’

Well 2012. thanks

Well as the year of 2012 which was suppose to end everything comes to an actual end i just want to reflect on the things that really made this year amazing!


 The wrap of my high school life was ever so perfect. I had an amazing art class that follow me for all of my high school career and I can’t say enough how much all the friendships that came from that really mean to me!  I was so blessed to be surrounded by so many talented people that happen to be my best friends too!

      ImageI got to experience prom with a date which is was also one of my bestest friends. Thanks to him for making my wish to have a date to prom come true. I can’t  emphasize that enough how much that means to me. As an artist at the high school level I got to create what i really wanted and create the environments that I dreamt for years then had the pleasure to debut the body of work to the public along with my peers senior thesis work too!

ImageMeanwhile, I also was chosen to be the first high school level designer to ever show in a RVA Fashion Week event. I was lucky enough to be schedule to be in the finale show and got to debut my first truly full fashion collection entitled Gridded Organza in a professional environment. So thank you for RVAFW and I hope to work with this amazing team in the near future! All in all the ending of my high school life was amazing! I solidified friendships, artistic voice, and goals as an artist. It was the last time I was a little kid and it was amazing and I will never trade with anything in the world.

     ImageNaturally in the fall of 2012 (since I graduated from high school) I began my new journey at MIC/A (Maryland Institute College of Art!) Literally the best thing I could of done for myself. Sure I always wonder what would happen if I went or applied to more school but in the very end I and pretty solid that I belong at MIC/A. I create a new life for myself with a new but strangely familiar group of close friends. I am just overly too thankful that I had the luck to meet each and everyone of them! As an artist I got to start fresh but still have the advantage of knowing all the knowledge that I already acquired during high school. I got to began to make something of myself and really begin to start craving into my future.


  And to combine them together I got to celebrate the holiday season with both parts of my life; first at MIC/A which our first Christmas as a group of friends together and we had the amazing opportunity to really bond and show our love to each other. Of course back at home  I hosted my annual Christmas Potluck for my art class and we did the same and swapped stories about our new lives we made while still having nostalgic of the times we spent with each other.

Thank you “Bro Tips”

” Bros who date bros are still bros.” Absolutely, I think this might be the most important and amazing quote I have ever read. Recently I was chosen to experience that amazing month long college-like experience at Radford. I was surrounded by the most inteligent and artistic 400+ students in Virginia. So of course from the start people there were already (or at least) most likely to be more liberal and open minded about stereotypes. I felt so refreshed about amazed how people treated me there and how there was no pre-conceived idea of me before people actually got to meet me in person. Since in normal life people see me (at first glance) as either the asian, the art kid (which can be good or bad), the fashionable/ “hipster apparently, and the most obvious and can be sometimes the most annoying ; the gay guy. Usually, girls flock to me for these few reasons….I know it’s pretty superficial. To put it frankly, sure I can be called all of these but that is not what I am at all. I enjoy art as a passion, fashion is something the comes with art, and guys are what I am physically and emotionally attracted to but I have an actual personality that is much more vast and deeper if you got to know me.

At Radford, it was amazing how people actually did that (look past all the stereotypes.) No one in the guys dorms had a problem about gay guys…actually they are more the welcoming and comfortable about it then I can ever imagined. Also many of my new friends I have made there didn’t even have the question “what sexuality are you?” cross their minds….until I just told them frankly….funny enough they were actually surprised. It just was something I usually don’t experience everyday. Since I have this idea on how people view the gay community as basically a joke and just a party; sometimes I just want people to not associate me with the negative stereotypes and really take me truly for who I am. I can admit to cracking a few gay jokes about me just to break the ice and the sensitivity of the topic but it was all in good hopes.

So really, to connect this to real life.. I could only wish for people to be just like that; not to judge you on typical characteristics but really give people the chance to open up about themselves.

Gave Me Chills…


So I was walking home from school today and while I was passing by all these lawns; I thought to myself: why the hell is mine so ugly? It’s not a fitting representation of our well kept family (or at the least some what sane family.) The role of first impressions are critical on how people proceed you. ….trailing off from this awfully serious subject…The thing that gave me chills was when i was walking past all these grassy wonderlands I imagined myself in my most ideal setting (for a home.) I wouldn’t be these decorated overpriced boxes we call homes. It would be something more stately, something that has more of a presents. The instant you walk up to it there is something not quite intimating over maybe over whelming? The picture I stole a glance was perfectly level grassy lawn bordered with a tightly knit hedge of boxwoods which would form two square rings. Within the rings would be nicely manicured bright violet, yellow flowers topped with cone shaped shrubs.

It’s something unreal and prettier then the real world appeals to me. I feel its quite refreshing having a vision for something that is purely superficial. It’s relaxing to think about something simply just because you like it, and not try to dig up some bull shit meaning to give it more “value.” Is the fact of me loving the idea of a perfect lawn good enough?


Very Fitting to my personality.

Ever since I can remember I have been the idealist in the group. I dream of a perfect outcome, unrealistic goals, and seemingly almost a fictional world; a modern fairytale. Which is very ironic of me to think like this since that is almost the very same mindset of Walt Disney; one of my insipirations. Surely, no one can live up to his genius but we all still have to remember he was human. I just think it is funny that I am a very idealist person that ironically loves Disneyland which is a place of happiness. Really, Disneyland is a place of illusions that make things seem perfect and magically but behind it all it is completely done by man and its knowledge….but that is beyond the point.

Im trying to make the connection with me being an idealist thinker an Disneyland; an ideal land. For example: Main Street U.S.A. Which was based off the turn of the century architecture which is beautiful and stuff but meanwhile at this time period this was when America was treating immigrants like dirt. Also really compared to the real thing; the turn of the century wasn’t a very cheerful place nor as colorful as Disney’s vision for his Main Street. If it was a real copy of that time period ; it would be a long street filled with meat factories putting out disgusting meats, trash piling up on every store front and the waste from the factories would be pumped in the The Great Rivers of America.  Really, Walt had a very strong selected memory; just from his rendition on Main Street he clearly knew of the good and ignored the bad. Relating be to be. In my mind I always had this idea of having my dream job, beautiful spotless home, with 2 well mannered kids, and a loving spouse. For real, that dream can never come true or not all the way at least. But this idealist thinking doesn’t just goes to the far future; it has also tainted my present and near future. I set goals for myself that are awfully to difficult for me to achieve but what do i do….I still try and either I get half way to my goal or crash and burn into a beautiful disaster.

But is this type of thinking slowly eating myself away to a point I become so fed up with unfinished goals and soon or later I won’t try anymore and not even dream anymore?? or would it just make me stronger and make me hope for bigger dreams that are obviously extremely difficult to get to but not completely impossible.

I know there is some type of Buddhist quote but frankly Buddhism isn’t as organized as Christianity so I will let my Buddhist friends figure out a quote for me.

I think I’m crazy.

By definition (in my mind) any type of artist whether or not they are visual artists, dancers, actors/actresses, poets, etc we are all crazy. Just speaking from the perspective of an visual artist; bluntly we have a hard life. We spend not just hours and hours refining our talent and toiling away our life to a point art has eaten out 2/3 of your lifetime; just the basic tools can cost a whole life savings, college art education is rough and sadly if you are planning to study in a fine art field you barely make any money to make it through everyday expenses. But why??? Art is such a hard task to do, constantly thinking and doing things to trying to continuously improve your skills so you can express what you really want to convey to people or even just yourself.

For me art is a form of myself outside of myself. A separate part of me that only myself can control. I also think art for me is a productive way for me to take my passions and energy and create something beautiful.Surely most of my art is not useful and any sense unless you think it is very calming and relaxing to look at but still why do I put so much energy into pieces of stuff that ends up just being pieces of over worked paper, wax, pigment that just hangs on the wall waiting to be changed out for a better piece of overworked paper. It seems like a very self killing process; constantly searching for a better piece of art. I do hope and push that one day I can use some of my creative skills to create a comfortable life for myself. Maybe I do art that is so complicated is because I guess I have a theory of the more time and hard work you put into something the stronger your work is…even is the piece can be very simple just the visual evidences that is took a lot of hard work makes people realize how much energy you put in it….and also by nature I tend to lean towards more ornate styles and eras. I overdone style really has a sense of stability and civilizes atmosphere is what I crave for and search for….

As a whole I think art is a visual representation what done and how we as a whole improve and grown. Sort of like a giant progress report for the human race.

I learned my ways.


In some of the series of bittersweet events recently happened my humble life i have learned my ways are wrong. And that I rub some people in the wrong way. Earlier in this holiday season I have gotten in the way of two peoples’ love for each other but totally not on propose. The wrong doing of me is that I didn’t take myself out of the equation. I just added more craziness; oh how I wish I just stopped and went on with life. Soon after I walked away from that was after all the drama was done with and one of them hated me and another one is stuck in the middle of a good friend with a good relationship and a good boy friend with good history. Now we are just ok friends..not as good as it was back in the day. Then now when I try to start talking to someone else I find of he is just talking to someone else too. Sigh…surely enough this is the working of Karma. She’s a bitch but is here to teach me to become a better person and just let things go how they should go.

Maybe this is me trying to figure out what the heck is going on with relationships. I know I don’t understand them and I ask way too much but surely I know things will someday smooth out and come to an peaceful ending or a life of loneliness.



Yes, I have to conclude. I have to change my ways to change my_______.

amazing similarities

Last night i was looking up some characteristics about Libras and it just plain AMAZING how accurate they are. One of the things they said are the positive traits which were..Diplomaitic, Urbane, Romantic, Charming, Easygoing, Sociable, Idealistic and Peaceable. and negative were….Indecisive, Changeable, Gullible, Easily Infuenced, Flirtatious and Self-Indulgent..AHHHH….. they are basically stalking my life. But why is it soo true??? What is it about stars that can tell so much about a person.

Frighten to fall in love

Surely that sounds absolutely crazy and horribly stupid…why would you be afraid of something so wonderful. The one thing I constantly crave I’m also highly afraid of it. i think it’s not really the actual act of falling in love, it’s the act of falling to the ground soul first and bleeding your heart out until you have no more to bleed then you as a person dissolves slowly away just for yourself to sweep it all back up and try again. Yes, this sounds a little over the top but really…i crave for the perfect moment to fall into someone’s arms and just be swept away from them but what will happen if things just dont work out? Funny Funny… thats life. i know no one can promise me that they won’t ever hurt me to the point I have so far but…. Also do  I want to risk the positive history with us for something more?


Illusions….that is the one thing I always include with all my art pieces. Sure creating art is literally creating an illusion of your vision from a your head or it’s the illusions of creating something that is not there.  But yes… one of the running themes throughout my art is illusions.  First it was the mastering the illusion of depths and space. Then, pushing very farther with it with layers of papercuts and actual physical scale reductions with each layer to create a very theatrically image. I swear I think I’m an inner set designer. but where does this whole inspiration come from??? Is it something simple like my love for Disneyland and countless visual illusions they use to create a whole new world? Or is it something deeper with my passion and hope of creating and living a perfect world and I’m trying to create little views points of it by creating physical representations of them? Is my strive for perfection?  The reason why I’m suddenly questioning this inspiration is because that I attended National Portfolio day this past weekend and most of the people said something along the lines of me creating  very theatrical illusions. I do enjoy the daily challenge of creating something flat to something 3-d. I think the combination flat and 3-d clashes so much in my art it’s actually pleasing to the eyes….something similar to a pop-up book. 

Life’s Ups and Downs

I come to realize that life is not full of happiness and love. Surely its a part of life but a good majority of life is the sorrow and sadness that floods into your world. I think things are never permanent and nothing can ever be truly predicted for you. Maybe just a small glance from a skilled fortune teller or even just a series of uncanny events but a clear prediction will never happen. So because of that every happy moment I have I cherrish with all my heart and try to keep it in my memory so whenever I need a pick me up I have that to look back on to cheer myself up. BUT!!!! The one mistake that I fear the most is living in the past. I need to live in the present/future. Time will never stop and things will pass.